Janice Kelsey

On Tuesday April 18,  Janice Kelsey will be in to speak with scholars about her experience with The Children's March on May 2, 1963 when she was just 16 years old.

"In the spring of 1963, the children of Birmingham took to the streets to end Jim Crow. From May 2 to May 10 of that year, more than 3,000 students went to jail for standing up to the rampant civil rights abuses in Birmingham, protests also known as the Childrenā€™s Crusade. They could no longer tolerate the injustice and deadly violence plaguing the city." Read more here

Watch about the March here:

"'The Children's March' reminds each of us, young and old, that youth have the power to change the world," Holladay said. Read more on Learning for Justice