About Rayen Early College Middle School

What is the
Rayen Early College
Middle School?
The Rayen Early College Intermediate School is a program for students in grades 5-8. Our goal is to prepare students for the rigor and expectations of high school and college. We are working to help them develop the skills, habits, and attitudes that will allow them to become successful students, and eventually, successful adults in the workforce. Many of our students move on to high school at the Youngstown Early College, where they have the opportunity to work toward an associates degree while in high school!

Rayen Early College Middle School
58 Williamson Avenue
Youngstown, OH 44507
Phone- 330-744-7602
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School Improvement Plan

Plan Information
1. Goal #1 of 3
1.1. Root Cause Analysis
Based on this information, the underlying root cause is lack of wareness. If we educate the students and families, track absences, and strengthen our support of family needs, then we will see a positive impact in the attendance rate and chronic absenteeism rate of our school, which will also positively impact the academic growth and achievement of our scholars.
1.2. SMART Goal Statement
All Students students in Middle School will decrease 10.00 % in Chronic Absenteeism at/in Rayen Early College Middle School by 06/02/2024 as measured with State Report Card Chronic Absenteeism Rate.
1.3. Student Measures
1.3.1. Student Measure #1
Every Month, chronic absenteeism - Building data of All Students will be monitored by Principal, Instructional Coach/es, Classroom Teacher/s, Staff, with an annual improvement of decrease 10.00 % resulting in an overall improvement of decrease 30.00 % by the end of the plan.
1.3.1. Student Measure #2
Every Semester, chronic absenteeism - School state report card of All Students will be monitored by Classroom Teacher/s, Instructional Coach/es, Principal, Staff, with an annual improvement of decrease 12.00 % resulting in an overall improvement of decrease 36.00 % by the end of the plan.
1.4. Strategies and Actions
1.4.1. Strategy #1: School Climate and Supports Strategy Level: Level 4 Description:
This program uses a parent education calendar to reduce student absenteeism by increasing parents or guardians awareness of non-attendance. The calendar is designed to educate them on chronic absenteeism and motivate them to encourage their children to improve attendance and academic performance. Embedded Plan Requirement(s): This strategy addresses the parent engagement requirement for Title I buildings in ESEA Section 1114.
This strategy addresses the building CSI, ATSI, or TSI requirement for addressing the specific needs of priority or focus on buildings in the LEA Plan ESEA Section 1111. Action Steps
Track parental/guardian contacts and support per building regarding
individual student excessive absenteeism. Participant(s):
Teachers, Staff, Principals, Instructional Coaches
Identifies and supports attendance strategy based short- and long-term attendance data.
District Administration, Teachers, Principals, Building Leadership, Support Staff, Teacher-Based Teams, Building Leadership Teams, Instructional Coaches
Provide coaching and on-site support to building PBIS in the use of ongoing progress monitoring data to evaluate implementation and student outcomes.
District Administration, Teachers, Staff, Principals, Instructional Coaches, Positive Behavior Intervention Support Team, SST 5
1.5. Adult Measures
1.5.1. Adult Measure #1
School Climate and Supports
Every Semester, Staff participation - Parent Engagement Strategies of Parent/Guardian will be monitored by Dean, with an annual improvement of increase 12.00 % resulting in an overall improvement of increase 36.00 % by the end of the plan.
2. Goal #2 of 3
2.1. Root Cause Analysis
Based on the analysis of this data, it is evident that a large percentage of students need support in developing advanced morphemic awareness/ decoding of multisyllabic words, vocabulary and background knowledge. This is a root cause of below proficient reading comprehension. By providing evidence based tier two and three interventions in these areas and strengthening the tier one instruction in language arts as well as strengthening the integration of these needs into all other content areas, overall reading comprehension, fluency, and proficiency will increase.
2.2. SMART Goal Statement
By 06/03/2024 we will improve the performance of All Students, Middle School students at/in Rayen Early College Middle School to increase 5.00 % in English Language Arts using State Report Card.
2.3. Student Measures
2.3.1. Student Measure #1
Every Trimester, English Language Arts - District Formative Assessments of All Students will be monitored by Classroom Teacher/s, Principal, Instructional Coach/es, Staff, with an annual improvement of increase 5.00 % resulting in an overall improvement of increase 15.00 % by the end of the plan.
2.4. Strategies and Actions
2.4.1. Strategy #1: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Strategy Level: Level 1 Description:
YCSD will provide ongoing job embedded PD on Tier 1 curriculum to teachers, coaches, and administrators. This training will foster a culutre of improvement and allow teachers to have greater support and feedback. Buildings will also update their master schedule to accommodate the changing emphasis and needs of teachers. Reoccurring data check will occur. Embedded Plan Requirement(s):
This strategy addresses the parent engagement requirement for Title I buildings in ESEA Section 1114. This strategy addresses the building CSI, ATSI, or TSI requirement for addressing the specific needs of priority or focus on buildings in the LEA Plan ESEA Section 1111. Action Steps
Staff will convey data analysis results to parents at parent conferences held twice a year and more if determined. Parents have access to theirs student's results on-line
Teachers, Staff, Principals, Instructional Coaches
Develop or provide resources and tools for teams to use in data collection, data analysis and subsequent next steps. Have grade levels take state test simulated tests and evaluate the data. This would occur on an annual basis for the three years of this plan.
District Administration, Teachers, Staff, Principals, Instructional Coaches
Provide ongoing job embedded professional development based upon teacher and student data indicators
District Administration, Principals, Instructional Coaches
2.5. Adult Measures
2.5.1. Adult Measure #1 -Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Every Semester, English Language Arts - Implementation Data of English Language Arts Teachers and Intervention Teachers will be monitored by Principal, Instructional Coach/es, with an annual improvement of increase 25.00 % resulting in an overall improvement of increase 75.00 % by the end of the plan.
3. Goal #3 of 3
3.1. Root Cause Analysis
In order to meet the needs of state tests and formative assessment growth, for the well being of the RECMS scholars, our data indicates that there is a need to evaluate the pacing of our curriculum. Also, based on the analysis of this data, it is evident that a large ercentage of students need support in developing the eight mathematical practices and foundational mathematics competency skills. These are root causes of below proficient mathematical understanding. By reviewing and adjusting pacing guides, providing evidence based tier two and three interventions in foundational competencies, increasing the understanding and application of the eight mathematical practices, and strengthening the tier one instruction, overall mathematical achievement/ proficiency will increase.
3.2. SMART Goal Statement
By 06/03/2024 we will improve the performance of All Students, Eighth Grade students at/in Rayen Early College Middle School to increase 7.00 % in Math using District Formative Assessments.
3.3. Student Measures
3.3.1. Student Measure #1
Every Trimester, Math - District Formative Assessments of All Students will be monitored by Principal, Classroom Teacher/s, Intervention Specialists, Instructional Coach/es, with an annual improvement of increase 7.00 % resulting in an overall improvement of increase 21.00 % by the end of the plan.
3.4. Strategies and Actions
3.4.1. Strategy #1: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Strategy Level: Level 1 Description:
YCSD will provide ongoing job embedded PD on Tier 1 curriculum to teachers, coaches, and administrators. This training will foster a culture of improvement and allow teachers to have greater support and feedback. YCSD will provide time for teachers, administrators and instructional coach to examine student data, and group students for Math intervention based on skill levels. This data will be reevaluated and students regrouped every semester. Ongiong communication with families will occur on mathematical information and math intervention. Embedded Plan Requirement(s):
This strategy addresses the parent engagement requirement for Title I buildings in ESEA Section 1114. This strategy addresses the building CSI, ATSI, or TSI requirement for addressing the specific needs of priority or focus on buildings in the LEA Plan ESEA Section 1111. Action Steps
Staff will convey data analysis results to parents at parent conferences held twice a year and more if determined. Parents have access to theirs student's results on-line
Teachers, Staff, Principals, Instructional Coaches
Develop or provide resources and tools for teams to use in data collection, data analysis and subsequent next steps.
District Administration
Teachers, Staff, Principals, Instructional Coaches
Provide ongoing job embedded professional development based upon teacher and student data indicators.
District Administration, Principals, Instructional Coaches
3.5. Adult Measures
3.5.1. Adult Measure #1
Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Every Semester, Math - Implementation Data of Math Teachers and Intervention Teachers will be monitored by Principal, Instructional Coach/es, with an annual improvement of increase 25.00 % resulting in an overall improvement of increase 75.00 % by the end of the plan.